Cultivation advice

When you receive your ordered seeds, you will also get a folder with growing tips. There, you can read in peace about the easiest way to succeed with sweet peas.

If you want to learn even more, you will find the answers in the book "A World of Sweet Peas."

Quick course for the grower

When you got seeds

  • Store sweet pea seeds in the freezer. Then you can save them for as long as you like.

  • Do not soak the seeds. There is a high risk that they will rot.

  • Keep in mind that mice and birds love sweet pea seeds.


  • The easiest way to get nice sweet pea plants is to sow the seeds indoors at room temperature. You can sow around week 12 if you live in the southern part of Sweden. After just under two weeks, when the worst of the winter is over, you can put your plants outside. Use a regular plastic pot, about 9 cm.

  • Fill the pot almost to the brim with regular potting soil. Pack the soil firmly.

  • Water the pot thoroughly so that plenty of water flows through. Pack the soil again.

  • Place up to 20 seeds on the compacted soil surface and cover with 2-3 cm of soil. Water gently.

  • Place the pot in a regular plastic bag with the opening facing upwards. This acts as your own little greenhouse. Place the open bag in a bright spot indoors at room temperature (20-23°).

  • After about 10 days, the seeds have germinated and become a few centimeters tall.

  • When the sprouts are about 5-7 cm tall, place the pot in its plastic bag outdoors.
    Water a little if it feels dry. Exposing the plants in the cold makes them strong and healthy.
    They should be hardened off and will do well. They can withstand temperatures down to minus 8 degrees (-8°). If it gets colder, you can temporarily bring the pot inside or cover it with a growing cloth.


  • Leave the pot outside until you feel like working outside. Then it's time to repot the plants, which means dividing the potted plants and putting them in their own pots, until it's time to put them in their final location. Alternatively, you can plant them in their final destination directly. Leaving the pot outside will give you plump and strong plants. Top the plants if you want, but it's not necessary.

  • Sweet pea plants can withstand temperatures down to -8°, even when planted out.
    Cover with plant fabric if it gets colder.

  • Don't forget to water!

  • The plants should be planted in well-worked, well-fertilized soil in a sunny or semi-shady location.

  • Plant out with a spacing of about 10-15 cm and 60-100 cm between rows.

  • If you plant in a large pot, at least 20 liters, there will be room for about 5 plants.

  • Potted plants require careful watering and fertilizing!

  • The plants need support from, for example, hazel branches, birch bark, reinforcing mats or trellises.

  • The tall sweet pea varieties grow 180-300 cm tall.


  • Fertilize continuously with, for example, chicken manure. Water the roots thoroughly with a watering can when it is dry. Do not use a sprinkler, which will ruin the flowers.

  • Pick flowers all the time, every day and preferably early in the morning or late in the evening. As soon as the plant sets seed, it stops blooming.

  • The more you pick, the more the sweet peas bloom.